Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Recovering Week for I Just Love My Apron


Peak to Peak

I've missed you guys!
I just want to let you know that this week I Just Love My Apron will have to take some time off. Boo!

For those of you who are on Facebook probably already know that I have a sprained elbow from a snowboarding trip in Whistler. Thank you for your blessing and support!

Besides the accident, the trip was fun! It was freezing cold - like 10 degrees!. I was lucky that it happened on the last run and end of the day. However, not lucky enough that it was my right elbow and I'm a right-handed. My fingers, wrist, and shoulder don't get hurt much and are working fine which is a good thing. I'm able to do  limited stuff, go to work, even drive (with my left hand - haha)! but not too much. It causes some pain at bruised muscle around the elbow.

Anyway, I'm doing better now. With the hubs on a business trip, I will just call it a resting week this week. I also have some photos of Whistler to share. My hand was freezing just for taking off a glove for 5 secs!

I have to apologize for bad quality pictures. I took them from the cell phone.

I will be back next week -mauh!

T-bar: first time trying this. I failed off the first time but survived on the second time!
